Tuesday 10 December 2013

Mood Board

Picture 1 - The picture shows a screaming blonde girl, she is presented as quite innocent from the way she is wearing a white jumper and has blonde hair.  This stereotypically shows she is not very strong or intelligent, in the image it shows her screaming and crying which is making her look weak. This tells us this is the type of character that the antagonist would go for. Also having a physically attractive woman playing this character could symbolise th
Picture 2 - The second image is of a shower curtain, this seems random but for our opening two minutes it may be vital (if we use it) as its the prop that creates tension and reveals the main antagonist because of the way the character opens it slowly which create a long paste shot, making the audience feel fear. 
Picture 3 - The third photo shows the main antagonist; he looks creepy as he just has a mask on with just the eyes and mouth cut out; this can make the audience feel scared as they don't really know who the antagonist is or what he looks like which takes away his identity and makes the viewers feel on edge. We decided on making the main antagonist male because of the way they are perceived as stronger and more dominant individuals.
Picture 4 and 5 - Pictures number 4 and 5 are both of some woods, this makes the audience feel  scared because being in the woods on your own in the dark is something people are naturally afraid of; you don't know who is around you and who could be watching as there are a lot of places to hide and it is very big. Quite a lot of people live near a forest, this shows mundane realism because it will make the audience feel a connection to the film, this could make them not want to walk down the woods they live near as it will remind them of the film.
Picture 6 - This picture shows a scary looking knife, this is on the mood board because weapons like this are known as fearful to the audience, it is also mundane realism in a way because although the knives in peoples homes don't look like this, they still own knives, this will make people feel worried about the knives in their own home that they never thought would be used in a certain way. We have put a knife as the weapon because this type of weapon appears to be a lot more scary than something like a gun because it is a slower and more painful death to be killed with a knife.
Picture 7 - We are using a middle class looking house in our movie because it is mundane realism and helps the audience relate to the characters lifestyle, it will also leave a more lasting effect on the audience as they will go home and feel as though they are in their own version of events in the movie. 
Picture 8 - This image shows a girl antagonist, we decided on including her to our movie because it is conventional to have a creepy possessed child as one of the evil characters. Her long dark hair makes her look haunted and makes the audience couscous of her because of the way her hair is covering her face, also hiding her identity just like the main antagonist in the mask.
Picture 9 - Using a key hole to look through in the first two minutes is mysterious and builds up tension because of the way this shot is a POV, so we will feel the same fear and curiosity as the character. A key hole also represents someone being locked in, showing the audience that the person on the other side is trapped and has no way of getting out, increasing the tension in the audience and making them feel stuck and almost claustrophobic because they feel as though they are also going through the situation with the character.

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