Saturday 14 December 2013

Location research- Final decisions

Birds eye view of the location we have chosen for part of the film.

We are planning on opening the two minutes in some woods, more specifically Bookham woods. We will only film here for a section of our two minutes as we thought it was a good setting to include the opening credits while building tension because of the spooky atmosphere surrounding the character. The atmosphere of the woods   naturally takes you out of your comfort zone when on your own, making the audience feel on edge and as though something will happen to this character. we will include shot that make it look like someone is watching that person which makes the audience feel even more out of there comfort zone. 

We chose to record part of our two minutes in the woods in Bookham because; it is closer to the next location we are going to film our movie, it also has a very eerie feel to it which sets the scene of the chilling story line. Filming in this area may be quite hard if we get the timing of when to film wrong because of the amount of light, as it's winter time, it gets darker quicker, this might not be a bad thing as the darkness and dull complexion of the sky will set the scene of our horror movie however it means we will need to film at the right time to make sure it has a good effect and is done right. If we used Epsom common or Fethcam Mill pond, we would need to apply addition light as there is either limited light or too much light. 

Our second location we are planning to include in our opening two minutes is a regular home for regular middle class/working class people; using this home is a convention of most horror movies because it helps the audience feel more engaged in the film as they will be able to relate it to their everyday life, which will increase and leave fear even when the film is over because they would go home to the same lifestyle that was presented in the movie, we have included this by using mundane realism.

The house we have chosen to use for our opening two minutes is suitable as a location because of the way the interior is set out e.g. the stairs go directly to the bathroom which we are going to show in our movie to build tension, the front door is almost opposite the stairs which will allow tension to be built because it means that as soon as she enters the house the audience can see the place where the antagonist will be; making it seem even more chilling.

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