Saturday 7 December 2013

Diary of filming and editing

Diary Of filming/editing.

23rd November:
2.00pm - Met up at the house where the filming will take place to discuss the filming and costume ideas.
3.00pm - Completed makeup and outfit on protagonist.
3.30pm - Left to go to the woods to film.
4.00pm - Begin to film.
5.30pm - Left woods due to it getting too dark to film.
6.00pm - Got home and discussed other filming dates
As you can see we planned the day before what we were all going to do during our filming day. However as this was our first time filming the opening scene, we unfortunately messed up the timings as we didn't take in account the times of when the location got darker. This meant we found the film very tricky to do on this day as the lack of sunlight for our natural lighting for our film was limited meaning the shots were very dark. However it was good to arrange filming on this day as it allowed us to plan to do this another day and to experiment with different elements of lighting and also allowed us to learn from our mistakes. Having to plan for another day may mean that our protagonist may not be available to do another date, which we would have to rethink about. 

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