Sunday 8 December 2013

Make up tutorial- Antagonist make up

This piece of research is to see what we can do to the antagonist as we are unsure if we should use some sort of face make up or use costume to cover the face.As you can see on the right, the picture is of a ragged bag with a painted on smile and two dark as night eye holes. This would be very effective to use for our opening scene as it would hide the identity of the antagonist, so it would be one of the main enigmas of the film, which could be more effective to use as this doesn't give a slight insight of the characteristics of the antagonist, whereas using make up would. This would also reduce time preparing the individual who is playing our antagonist as this would just be needed to be put over the head of the antagonist, and have their eyes darken to ensure that no features are visible to the naked eye. This would relate to the audience fears of unknowing the unknown.
This tutorial is to show how to make a clown face make up. This may be ideal for our film as it relates to the audiences fears as many individuals are scared of clowns. This tutorials also shows how easy it is to produce this make up tutorial, as it gives a step by step tutorial of how to do it, which makes the process seem a lot easier and would look very effective. We could even make it look a bit smudged to show that the victim could have been targeted very quickly, so the make up was put on carelessly. This make up would also contrast from the protagonist make up and the surroundings, which would make this character be the focus pull of any scene unless a effect is added during the editing stages. However, one of our aims for our opening two minutes of our film was to make it as realistic as possible, so the circumstances should be realistic too. Having a bag over someones head is more realistic as it is an everyday item to have, which would make the audience relate to the film even more, meaning they would increasingly get even more scared. Whereas, in contrast, this make up would link more to a horror, released on Halloween, which is not one of our main objectives. This would also involve a lot of different types of make up which would show the amount of thought and detail which went into making our antagonist the perfect part. another negative to using this is that it would mean the audience can see all the characteristics of the antagonist, which would mean they could make the connection to who the person is when the make up is removed, which would not make as much of an enigma as if we used the bag mask one. 
Overall I think we should use the ragged bag mask as this would hide the identity of the antagonist, which would create a massive enigma to who they are, reduces the make up time assigned to this character and also that this would suit more of the genre of horror we are producing.  

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