Saturday 14 December 2013

Location research- Woodland area

 Location one- Fetcham,Mill pond 
 This location could be where we begin our opening scene as the location can create an eerie effect due to the dim lighting of the lampposts. The light generated by the lamppost would  ensure the shot is gloomy and adds tension as it would not be as visible as daylight time, which means that we using the environment to create motif as we are reflecting the feelings of the antagonist and protagonist by using the atmosphere around them. However added lighting may be needed due to the limitation of light the lampposts give off, which means the camera would struggle to capture the scene due to the lack of light. Although there is a negative there is also a positive, as the general location is a very common place which would make our scene more realistic, so therefore the audience would sense an aspect of fear as they imagine themselves in the same position as the protagonist.This is many people's fears of walking down a dim lit, narrow pathway, thinking every noise is a warning that someone is behind you . On the other hand, this location may cause a slight difficulty as there is no areas for the antagonist to hide behind, which is how we are going to begin building up the tension for our opening two minutes, as this would show how close the antagonist is to our innocent protagonist, how scary! Having minor places for the antagonist to remain hidden and unknown would mean a decrease in tension which is vital for our final scene to have the biggest impact as possible, so if we do not have this it would mean we could not show us much tension as we would like too.
Location two- Epsom common
Our second location we researched was Epsom common. As you can see from the video and picture, Epsom common has lots of overhanging trees which would be fairly effective as when the darkness falls and the shadows of the branches casts, it would seem as if they are acting like hands which are trying to grab the protagonist. This would mena that we would to get the timings of our filming accurate so we can have enough natural lighting, to make it as realistic as possible, and to achieve this effect. Having lots of overhanging trees would also mean we can use our idea of having the antagonist hiding behind trees, which we would create this by making the camera act like it is the antagonist
stalking and staring at the protagonist behind trees, for example. This would make our production very dynamic as we are using various creative shots, which would provide us with a fluent production. However there is a downfall of having lots of trees, as it would result in a limitation of light, meaning we would have to produce natural- styled light so the camera can detect the scene. Epsom also has lots of paths, which could add tension as the antagonist could come from any direction. Also the ground is uneven which could lead to our protagonist on falling over as she keeps hearing noises.
Location three- Bookham common 
This is our final location we found, which is known as Bookham Common. This has quite a numerous amount of trees which would make the protagonist feel as if they are close in on her, which would increase the tension. However, although there are lots of overhanging trees, there is not enough to block out all the natural light, meaning there would be a substantial light, meaning we would not need to any addition light. There are different sizes of paths, which would give us a choice of which ones to uses and we would like the perfect location for our opening two minutes. As our protagonist may get fall and cut herself; the paths within this wood can be very curvy, which means she can cut her hands on a passing trees. This woods are also closes to houses more than the others, which is a benefit as the protagonist runs home to clean her cut. This may be more effective than the others as lighting is negotiable so it would not effect the scene, unless we choose the wrong timings of filming.

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