Saturday 23 November 2013

Questionnaire results

These re the results from our questionnaire, which we gave to 50 memebers  of the public. We gave our questionnaire to 50 members of the public because it gives us a larger sample size, meaning that the resutls would be more accurate, and also the number is a nice easy number for us to convert into percentages. These results allow us to see our results clearly and allows us to include what our target audience would like to see in our film.

Question one-  As you can see from the pie chart; the audience prefer the actors being female as 80% of the public chose this and only 20% picked male. This tells us that our actors should mainly consist of female ones as our results show us this. This may be due to the conventions of a horror film as the victim is usually an innocent girl, which from our target audience research, males prefer this, as our target audience shows that males go to watch horror films a little more than females. We will ensure to have female actors present in our opening two minutes, so our audience would appeal to our film.

Question two- This question was to show where we should locate our film, which as you can see the highest percentage was an abandoned building, then a home and then a wood. These results show that we should set our film in an abandoned building, however, to make our feel more realistic and to relate more to the audience we can set it in part of the woods and someone's home, as this involves both locations appeal to the audience and would make it more realistic so the audience can feel as if this could happen to them. However we could use an abandoned house this could make the atmosphere more eerie and create tension as its a place the audience would be unfamiliar with. However, using the locations of the woods and someone's home can be easily associated with each and can involve lots of shots, which would be perfect.
Question Three- This question was to tell us when to bring our music soundtracks in to build tension, which this question tell us that the audience would want the music to build up the tension as they feel as though this helps the film have scary factors in the scenes of our opening scenes. We will have to ensure that we have music in our film to ensure tension is building throughout the film, and we have to make sure that they suit the scene which they will be assigned to through the editing stages.
Question four- This question is to see what the audience's favourite genre of film was, which as you can see it is horror, which is perfect as we are producing  the opening two minutes of a horror film. This means that the people who took this questionnaire is potentially our target audience as in our blog about our target research it shows that stereotypically more males watch horror than females.
Question five- Following the previous question, this one is to see what type of horror film our audience prefer from gore (which is the Saw film), to supernatural (Paranormal Activity). This shows that a supernatural film is the most preferable film, however Scream is not far behind. This suggests that we should have some paranormal elements in it to appeal to the audience but also involve murder, which could be present at the end of the feel so suspense can be build throughout the two minutes.

Question six- This film is similar to the previous question but is more to the point as this justifies what the audience would like to see in the film. From our results you can see that they expect a murder in a horror film or some sort of death. In second place was paranormal,which emphasises the popularity of this being in horrors as this was again popular in the previous question. This means that we should either have murder or paranormal in our film.

Question seven- This question is to see how much they watch horrors, which would tell us how much they know about horrors and what they would expect. This also tell us if their other response are valid as they watch various horrors so would know what to expect from one and what would be good to include in the opening two minutes of a film.
Question eight- This finally question is all about the title of our film, which may or may not definitely be used, but these are they ones which have appealed to us so far. As you can see our results show that the name 'HiJack' is most preferred, which is fairly effective as it can be associated with someone being taken, but also could be a characters name. However these names may not be used meaning we may have to send out another questionnaire or ask this question again n the future, to ensure all our audience likes the name of our film.

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