Friday 14 February 2014

Soundtrack research

Soundtrack Research
Our film soundtrack

For our film soundtrack we will be making our own music but making sure we get the right sound so that it creates the right effect on our main target audience. We will use a piano and guitar to make our music and then we will edit it when it has been put on a computer to layer it on top of each other and make a tension building and creepy piece of music. We will start it off being slow and quiet and as the piece of music goes on we will make it get louder and faster to create tension within the audience.

Horror Soundtrack
The sound track that is usually in films is tension building and scary music. It usually starts off quietly and as the antagonist gets closer it will get louder and louder; this allows the audience to build tension therefore when the antagonist is shown it makes it a lot more jumpy compared to if there was no music as there would be no build up. One good soundtrack which shows the build up well however it is for a horror/thriller is Jaws. It is a film about sharks attacking people and as soon as you hear the music you know the shark is someone and that the people who are in/ near the water are in danger. The soundtrack starts off slowly and as the shark gets closer it gets faster and louder making the audience build tension and jump more when the shark catches the person. The sound track which shows the tension build well is below.
Action soundtrack
Action sound tracks are usually very fast pace and sound a little like an orchestra. This makes the audience feel like they need to get away quickly and something bad might happen. It also makes the audience feel as if there will be some explosion about to happen as the build up of music makes it sound as if there will be aloud bang at the end of it. As the pace of the soundtrack is very fast it suits the camera shot that are used in action films as they are always very fast to make it seem as if they are moving quickly and fighting well. A typical time that this music would be shown in action films is when there is a car chase scene or a fight scene as the camera shots and sound track need to fit in well together.
Romance Soundtrack

The type of soundtrack that is played in romantic films is quite slow however can become quite fast when a scene is being shown when a couple are running after each other and so on. The music is always light hear ted and happy as romantic films always end up happily ever after and the couple always end up together. Slow music can also be played in romantic films if there is a love scene or just a scene where they are having a deep conversation. The type of music can also change when a bad character comes it, the music can become faster and less light heartened to show the audience that they are not wanted in the relationship- the sort of characters that this music is related to can be the interfering mother, the jealous ex boyfriend or the jealous sister/brother.

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