Thursday 13 February 2014

Antagonist Costume- Final costume

Final Antagonist costume.

This is our final antagonist costume. We have used parts of our initial ideas however we adapted it in a couple of different ways; we still have the brown mask/bag covering the face however we have changed it from being a bag to a brown towel with masking tape around the neck to create the shape of the antagonists head. We changed it so that it would make an unusual shape to make the antagonist look even more scary. We also changed the way we did the mouth as; we decided to draw the mouth on with a a black marker pen and make it look like it had been stitched although our initial idea was to just cut the mouth out. I think this creates more of an enigma towards the audience because they end up seeing less of the face as they were in our initial idea making the antagonists identity to be hidden even more. We decided to have the mise-en-scene of the character to be wearing a rustic look however look like he is quite well off. He is wearing a brown jumper with a darker green/brown jacket over the the top, he is also wearing reddish cord trousers. Overall he stereotypically looks like he has come from a rural area which links into the film because at the beginning all the shots are set in Bookham woods.This creates a link and makes the audience think that he has come from somewhere around where the film has been set - which will make them feel self conscious and worried through the rest of the film as they will be wondering who the person is and wont ever be sure because we have hidden his identity through mise-en-scene.

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