Thursday 3 October 2013

Analysis of opening scenes- Saving Private Ryan

The opening scene of Saving Private Ryan is introduced with the transition of the title of the film fading onto the black background. This transition suggests that softness and that the film may have a tear jerking element to it. The font used is also very simple roman styled font, which suggests that this film may be to do with the simpler times.

The constant use of the instrumental music in the background implies heroic aspect of the film and may suggest that it is about someone’s journey of achieving something. This music creates a respecting and honourable feeling for the audience as this music can be associated with the kind of music played at Remembrance Day’s. The music also creates an atmosphere of being sombre and despair as the music is soft due to the several instruments used.

The close up shot of the American flag tells the audience that the film is associated with being in America and involves an American story. This suggests patriotism for America as it shows how proud and the amount of respect people have for their country and having the flag fluttering in the air implies that the country will stand strong through whatever they have to face, which suggests that the film is based on military due to the combining use of the music and close up of the flag. Having a fairly long pause on the flag allows the audience to reflect what has happened in the past and allows them to think about things, which makes them want to watch more.

Having a behind the shoulder shot allows the audience to follow the man as if they are walking behind him. This allows them to see the location of where the film is set and having the camera moving up from low to high shows the age of the character.

The medium shot of the group of people, which is presumed to be behind the man shows the emotions and what they all look like. It also shows the closeness they have for one another as they are all standing fairly close together, which could suggest they are related or have some kind of relationship to each other. Having this shot suggests that there is a separation between the man walking ahead and the group of people behind, which makes the audience want to know where they are going but also why he is ahead of the crowd.
The following shot is also a medium shot, which means the audience can finally see what the man walking ahead looks like from the front and shows the feeling he has running through his mind, which seems  to be quite apprehensive. He is portrayed as being an old man, which implies that he is significant to the story line as he is the only one having a shot to them self. Furthermore the group catches up and forms a line begin the man, which suggests to the audience that they are supporting him in what he is doing. This symbolises the closeness and the supportiveness they have for this man.

Having the two separate long shots of the two contrasting flags, shows that it is something to do with war and the history of it, which is the suggested storyline of this film. The two separate shots could suggest that even though they are far from each other in the world they will stand strong together as they are both fluttering in the wind together and standing tall together. This would represent the alliances between these two countries, which would make the audience remember what has happened in the past and can even associate and relate to them too.

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