Saturday 22 March 2014

Evaluation- Activity four

Target audience for our opening two minutes
The picture on the left shows what our target audience would look like, 15 year old's and above. The target audience with the age of 15 usually do different things compared to the other side of the spectrum of our target audience, as our audience ranges from 15 to at least 30.
Stereotypically, girls of the age of 15 do a lot of shopping in, such as, the high revenue shops Office, Hollister, Urban Outfitter to the lower end which consist of New Look, Primark, Republic and Topshop. Their other interests consist of listening to pop styled music and watching TV programmes such as, Friends, Keeping up with the Kardashians and America's Next Top model. These stereotypical interests of 15 year old girls, suggest that they would like films such as romances, rom-coms, comedy genres. However, girls above the age of 16 become more independent and mature, so their interests differ, for example, going into lingerie shops, perfume shops and male shops for boyfriends, friends or if they want something baggy to wear. Also they start to watch programmes such as, Geordie Shore, The Valleys, CSI etc.
Now, 15 year old boys have many interests, for example, stereotypically they all love sports like football rugby, cricket, tennis and basketball. They also like video games on various consoles (Xbox, Playstation), which would keep them occupied for hours with all the countless games which are designed for these hardwares. They usually play action filled games, such as, Call of Duty, Halo and Bond games. They also watch TV programmes such as Match of the Day as theyre associated with sports, which like I have said, stereotypically they like sports like football. As they grow up they begin to like shopping to get the newest trends and fragrances, which they purchase from shops such as Topman and American Eagle. They also listen to music with the genres of R&B and Rap.
We thought our target audience would range from 15 and above as the males usually like the adrenaline buzz, which horror films usually provide for them due to the fearfulness they create. Males also like horrors as there are elements of blood and little violence in them, which stereotypically males like, which is why our target audience would probably be around 51 % male,  whereas females would be 49%. Females would also be part of our target audience as they would want to watch a film, which allows them to escape their everyday life. Also horrors do not promote violence, which stereotypically females do not like violence, which would be another reason why females would want to watch a horror as they are not promoting violence but fear, which the female audience would sympathise. Also females like horrors as they can easily engage and relate to them as usually the main character consists of an attractive male or the protagonist is female. This is explains why we used a female protagonist as the males would be attracted to her but the females would engage and associates themselves of being in the protagonists' situation.

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