Monday 23 September 2013

Analysis of opening scene- Ocean's eleven

The establishing shot shows the audience the setting of the first scene, which allows them to create their first impression of the main character in the film. This medium shot emphasises the dinginess of the location, which suggests that the character would be as unhygienic as the environment around him. However, having this gloomy background generates a sharp contrast from the main character as our expectations are shattered as a well dressed, smart looking ‘Daniel Ocean’ takes his seat, instead of the stereotypical convict with countless tattoos. This establishing shot follows the conventions of an action film as crime, jail and the idea of more to come is all present from the start.
The use of dialogue gives an insight of what the character is like and what he has been convicted for presently and in the past. The audience would usually loathe and dislike a convict character due to the numerous crimes they have committed; however ‘Mr Ocean’ makes the audience like him as the smart wit and general appearance attracts them to like him, especially the ladies! Also having only him in the scene speaking, emphasises the significance of his character whereas the parole board are faceless voices, automatically showing the low importance they have in the scene. Allowing the main character to respond to why he did these crimes, makes the audience feel sympathetic for him, as he begins to open up, permitting the audience to relate to him and his relationship problems.
Having using a continuous medium shot, lets the audience see all the expressions and reaction the character has in response to the voices of the insignificant parole board.
The final shot of the opening sequence develops the feelings of intrigue for the audience due to the close up and the music used. Firstly the final shot being a close up implies that he is going to be in the storyline throughout the film. Also makes the audience feel as if they can see what is going through his mind and having the lighting produce a cheeky glint in his eyes, illustrates something extraordinarily smart is going to occur, which sets up the whole storyline. During this close up, the cliff-hanger question ‘what do you think you would do, if released?’ finishes of the opening scene perfectly, as the suspending silence, implies what he is going to do is the storyline of the film. When the question is asked, after the few seconds of silence, the music involving cymbals and a jazzy classy beat, suggests it would be something cunning is going to happen and builds up the rest of the film. The audience is left with one question going through their minds...
 ‘What is he going to do, if he is realised?’

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